Poetry for Hope

Hello readers! I hope everyone is staying safe and sane. I’ve been struggling a bit with keeping my mental illness in check due to the huge change-ups in my routine and the overall isolating aspect of social distancing, so to anyone else taking a hit mentally, you’re not alone. I find getting outside if you can, exercising, and creating somewhat of a routine for the day are some key things to help keep stable. Yoga With Adriene (on YouTube) is a resource I highly recommend- Adriene is a joy to watch and she has tons of routines for different ability levels that are, besides good workouts, super centering and soothing. What kinds of helpful things are you all doing?

    So every now and then I share original poetry on here; writing has always been something I turn to, especially in stressful times (over this past summer I shared two pieces). The poem I’m sharing today is a piece I scribbled down in my journal while on a train in Freising, Germany during my summer solo trip to Europe. It encapsulates a feeling of comfort and hope.

Image may contain: sky, outdoor and nature, possible text that says 'And suddenly, while sitting on a train a poem'

And there it all was
rushing through the space
around me
particles of air
swallowed first by the sea
then tossed back above
the waves
entering eyes lips lungs.

I ate my tears
dissolving them
to make room
for this fine sea dust
colored with the warmth
of something good beginning.

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